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Struggling with a Healthy Lifestyle? This May Be Why…

*Warning: This content may be triggering for some.

  1. You constantly diet

    • Did you know that research shows that people who diet (even if they lose weight) end up gaining it back (and sometimes even more) within a year?

  2. You don’t enjoy your food

    • Do you “guilt” yourself into eating a certain way? Thats a surefire way to not maintain whatever goal or habit you are trying to reach. Guilt does not lead to a healthier lifestyle. In fact, according to Psychology Today, excessive guilt can lead to emotional suffering, anxiety, and shame (amongst others).

  3. You’re always stressed

    • Did you know that excess stress can affect your hormones? For example, chronic stress (which can even look like being frustrated every day for years) can raise cortisol levels which affect your weight, sleep patterns, blood sugar, and other bodily systems.

  4. You don’t sleep

    • Do you find yourself scrolling on IG or TikTok in the wee hours of the morning? (Truthfully, I’ve been there myself). I think we all have found ourselves doing this from time to time. However, if you are constantly struggling to fall asleep, this may be a sign that you need to make some lifestyle adjustments. You thought you needed to go on a diet, but what you really need is to address whatever may be causing your sleep deprivation.

    • (According to the Mayo Clinic, common causes of insomnia include, stress, work schedules, too much screen time before bed, or eating large meals before bed)

  5. You’ve been living with cultural shame regarding your health

    • I’ve had so many people apologize to me for liking collard greens, cornbread, or bbq when they found out I was a dietitian. But that’s not necessarily because they felt compelled to live a healthy lifestyle. It is because they were told at some point in their life that they had to deny their culture in order to be healthy (by a doctor, the media, or a weight loss professional)

    • Examples include believing that you HAVE to eat quinoa bowls, salads, and smoothies to be healthy. (If you like those foods, that fine. But don’t they’re not superior to cultural foods.) Or, possibly you’ve been told that the best diet for you was the Mediterranean diet. You know you don’t like that food! Don’t believe the lies anymore! There are many healthy food choices within the African Diaspora such as:

      • collard greens, black eye peas, lentils, spices, okra, ginger, spinach, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, cornbread, cabbage, peppers, onions, stews, soups, quick breads, braised meats, baked meats…

      • and there is even room for your bbq or mac & cheese

  6. You’re harboring unforgiveness

    • Unforgiveness unchecked can ruin you. It can lead to mental health and emotional health challenges. This can affect the way you practice self-care and it can affect your boundaries with yourself and others. If you need to talk to someone today, see below:

  7. You are struggling with PTSD from trauma

    • Trauma can affect our health in various ways such as increasing our stress load (which can lead to chronically high cortisol levels). If you’ve never taken an ACEs test and you think you struggle with PTSD, I would encourage you to look into it. Like I’ve said in other posts… I believe that a healthy lifestyle is more than what you eat.

    • TAKE THE ACEs test now

You may be overwhelmed after reading this post. This information is to help you understand that health involves more than what you eat.

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